Mail us Ticks
We are currently collecting, identifying, and tracking areas with heavy tick populations and tick-borne diseases. You can help by sending us any ticks that you find along with information on where and when you find them. See instructions below for sending ticks.
Interested in viewing our current data?
Look at Our Data →
After proper removal of tick, place it in sealed bag/container or in clear tape. Provide answers to the following questionnaire. Mail the tick in an envelope to the Tick Collection address.
- Date tick was found.
- Location tick was found. (Street or GIS coordinates)
- Activity during tick discovery. (Hiking, jogging, etc.)
- On whom tick was found. (Human or pet)
- Whether tick was biting or crawling.
- If biting, where on person/pet tick was found.
- If biting a human, what age is the individual.
We have found that taping an individual tick to a piece of paper with the needed information written next to the tick has been the easiest method for people as well as for collection. This method has allowed people to collect ticks over a span of multiple days or from multiple people and/or pets.
Mail ticks to:
BeBop Labs
PO Box 183
Salisbury, NH 03268
BeBop Labs does test for ticks, for free, but does not guarantee a turnaround time
BeBop Labs is a volunteer-run organization. Throughout the year we apply for grants and ask for donations to make tick testing free. We partner to test our ticks, but all of our testing is done in bulk at the end of the season, due to our limited resources.
If you are worried about disease, send tick to TickReport for results within 3 business days. Visit Tick Report to learn more, and mail tick directly to 29c Cottage St, Amherst, MA 01002.
For partnerships in tick collections please contact We are currently working with NHCamps and are always open for more collaborations.
If you find a tick attached to your skin, there is no need to panic. Follow these steps to remove a tick according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Use fine-tipped tweezers or your fingers to grasp the tick as close to the the skin’s surface as possible. You want to make sure you get the mouth.
- Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don’t twist or jerk the tick, this can cause the mouth-parts to break off and remain in the skin.
- After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol or soap and water.
- Do not discard your tick; save it. Place the tick in a sealed bag/container, answer the questions in our questionnaire, and send the tick to Bebop Labs for testing.
To learn how to prevent tick bites, visit our Prevention page →
Testing ticks is not diagnostic of a transmitted disease
Tick tests provide a truthful assessment of tick infection status and can be used in determining the risk of exposure to a tick-borne pathogen. The test detects the presence or absence of DNA associated with the specific pathogens advertised. However, tick tests are not to be used as a substitute for clinical testing. Tick tests do not provide clinical diagnosis of disease and we do not practice medicine nor do we provide medical advice. Importantly, it is encouraged that results are shared with a physician during a consultation. Results from your tick test are kept private and individuals submitting ticks remain completely anonymous. Information about the submitter is used only for the purpose of processing the sample, handling the payment and communication. Tick tests are not typically covered by medical insurance, even though our consultants and possibly your physician may advocate having the tick analyzed for risk of infection.
BeBop Labs does test for ticks, for free, but does not guarantee a turnaround time
BeBop Labs is a volunteer-run organization. Throughout the year we apply for grants and ask for donations to make tick testing free. We partner to test our ticks, but all of our testing is done in bulk at the end of the season, due to our limited resources.